By Knowing The Business of Art

Hello, I am Lily Nava-Nicholson, I am an Artist, Author, Artist Coach & Art Business Consultant. I have been creating, marketing, and selling my original paintings and limited edition prints since 2004.

I work with creative entrepreneurs to help them eliminate their fear of marketing and selling their creations by educating them on the business of art, how to turn stories into numbers and be paid what they are worth!

This course was created especially for YOU, the Creative Entrepreneur!

Your Top 6 Challenges:

  • 1. You need help navigating the "Business of Art"...

  • 2. You want a coach who understands this business from experience...

  • 3. You need help getting your art and creations in front of your ideal clients...

  • 4. You are not being paid what your art and you are worth...

  • 5. You constantly compare yourself with other artists...

  • 6. You are afraid to use your voice to advocate for yourself...

"Stop relying on galleries for art sales; Galleries take a 50/50 split when your painting sells, you did all the creating and poured your heart and soul into it, in my eyes, you are the only one that should be getting paid! If you desire to show your works in a gallery, there are some insider tips that I will be sharing with you, that will arm you with the information you need to navigate such an event."

Key Benefits You Get From This Course:

  • 1. You will identify "blocks" and eliminate them so you can get unstuck!

  • 2. You will be educated on the real "Business of Art"!

  • 3. You will identify your Ideal Client - the ones that are looking for you!

  • 4. You will be confident, courageous, and bold in your creative business!

  • 5. You will learn to shift your mindset so it works for you!

  • 6. You will ask for and be paid what you are worth!

You are a beautiful masterpiece in the making, just like your creations!
YOU are invited to take this journey with me to embrace and believe in your MAGIC!

All Rights Reserved: The Pathfinder Code® Powered by Intuition and Creativity

by Lily Nava-Nicholson 2024